Showing all 167 results
Hiking in the Cindrel Mountains: Rhododendron Pink
Horseback riding with a traditional lunch at the foothills of the Făgăraș Mountains
Picnic with a View on Via Transilvanica: Biertan-Richiș
Forestbathing: ASTRA National Museum Complex, Sibiu
Circuit in the Făgăraș Mountains: Bâlea Lake-Șaua Capra– Bâlea Lake
Picnic with a View on Via Transilvanica: Micăsasa
Hike with a Picnic for Families and Individuals with Moderate Fitness Level
Hiking Circuit in Făgăraș Mountains: Bâlea Waterfall – Bâlea Lake – Netedu Ridge – Bâlea Waterfall
Hiking in the Făgăraș Mountains: Lespezi Peak and Cornu Călțunului
Hiking in the Făgăraș Mountains: Custura Sărății
Family Hiking at Râu Sadului: La Colibe – Casa cu Povești
Hiking in Făgăraș Mountains: Suru Peak
Hiking adventure on the shepherd’s trails in Tilișca, with a rustic hut Lunch
Biodynamic picnic and visit to the Ilimbav animal farm
Hiking for kids and meeting with free Arabian horses
Foraging: Edible Plants and Pesto Tasting
Birdwatching hike along the lakes of the Olt River – Part II
Family Bike Ride: Sibiu-Cisnădioara-Rășinari
Spring memories hiking towards the former Fântânele Cabin
Hiking in the Făgăraș Mountains: Sâmbăta Valley – Fereastra Mare – Bălăceni Corner
Hiking for tots with pony rides and a visit to the animal farm
Family hike on fraga hill with doughnuts
Foraging: Hike for gathering edible spring mushrooms
Hike in the cindrel mountains: Silver Valley – Rose Meadow
Hike in the Făgăraș Mountains: Negoiu Cabin – Șerbota Ridge
Hiking for the Little Ones and the Traditional Game from Gura Râului
Hiking for the little ones in Cindrel towards the Hobbits’ house
Up on the Seven Hills of Ighiș
Greweln Valley Tour
Circuit: Bazna Cheese and Wild Garlic Pesto
Circuit: Biertan – Ațel – Dupuș – Biertan
Hiking in the Cindrel Mountains: The Meadows and Lake at Gura Râului
Hiking in the Cindrel Mountains: The Former Gâtu Berbecului Cabin
Hiking, forest bathing and yoga
Family trip to check out the bee-eaters at Gușterița Hill
Hike to the shepherd huts in Rășinari and Jina with a lamb stew tasting
e-MTB Tour: Dunga Oltului – Cârța
Foraging: Hike for collecting edible mushrooms
Hiking the labyrinth for self-discovery
Hiking at sunset on Planet Cindrel Mountains
Family hike for mountain bird watching on Valea Orlățelului
Hike: Mountain education for families with children 6 and up
Hike for the little ones to the animal huts in the Land of Huts
Hike in the Cindrel Mountains
Family Hiking with Picnic at Ilimbav: Vf. Fofezu
Family Hike in the Protected Area of Dealul Zackel with Cherry Tasting in Slimnic
Hiking in the Făgăraș Mountains: Moșuleței Ridge – Urlea Lake/Peak
Hike from Curciu to Șmig
eMTB Tour in Valea Avrigului and Valea Porumbacului
Family Hike in Făgăraș for Families and Children 7+: Vf. Netedu
Hike for the Little Ones in Cindrel and Climbing at Arka Park
Hiking in the Făgăraș Mountains: Podragu Valley
White Wine and Syrups at Dusk, on the Longest Day of the Year
Hike to Iezerele Cindrelului and Vf. Cindrel
Hike in the Făgăraș Mountains: Bâlea Refuge – Capra Saddle – Vânătoarea lui Buteanu
Dinner at Sunset in the Lavender Field of Mândra
Women’s Hike through Poiana Trandafirilor to Țara Colibelor
Pet-Friendly Hike: Suru Cabin
Hiking in the Lotru Mountains: Sterpu Peak
Mindful adventure in a river valley: Coada Lacului-Râul Mic-Runcuri
Hiking and Mountain Education for Families and Children 7+: Vf. Buteanu
Culinary experience at Iuga Farm with solar observation
Hiking for Kids in the Cindrel Mountains: The Roman Festival “Castrvm Novis”
Night tour with and about bats
Hike on Via Transilvanica: Mediaș – Moșna – Nemșa – Richiș
Hike with Rhododendrons to Vf. Șerbota
Hike in Făgăraș Dedicated to “Little Mountaineers”
Hiking in the Târnava Valley: The Medieval Festival of Mediaș
Hiking in the Cindrel Mountains: Păltiniș Circuit
Hiking in the Făgăraș Mountains: Lespezi Peak and Cornu Călțunului
Hiking, Theater, and Fruit Picnic at Cisnădioara
Family Hiking: Săliște – Foltea Monastery
Hike of elemental connection at sunset: Păltiniș-Găujoara
Night Hike in the Făgăraș Mountains: Sunrise on Negoiu Peak
Wild Tastes: Foraging and Cooking at Cabana Suru
Night Hiking with Aquaride: Star Shower
Hike in the Cindrel Mountains: Cindrel Peak
Hike in Făgăraș: Mountain education for children and families at Fereastra Zmeilor
Journey between night and day, between the macro and micro cosmos in the Land of Huts
Hike with wine tasting: Curciu-Băgaciu
Hike in the Făgăraș Mountains: Custura Sărății
Family Hiking: Păltiniș Circuit
Overnight Hike and Stargazing: Negoiu Cabin
Hiking in the Făgăraș Mountains: Podragu Cabin and Podrăgel Lake
Summer Hike in the Cindrel Mountains at Sunset
Hike to Frumoasa Peak and Sublime Sunset on Devil’s Plateau
Night Hike with Perseids
Nocturnal Bat Tour
Hiking in the Făgăraș Mountains: Moldoveanu Peak
Camping on the Făgăraș Ridge: from Suru to Sâmbăta de Sus
Hike in the Făgăraș Mountains for “Little Mountaineers”
Hiking for Mountain Education: Moldoveanu Peak
A Week from West to East: Făgăraș Ridge
Family Hike: Sibiel Circuit
Hiking on Via Transilvanica: From Micăsasa to Glogovăț
A Hiking Adventure with Splashing Fun for Kids to Ocna Sibiului Lakes
Hiking for Mountain Education: Muchia Buteanului
Weekend at Cabana Suru
Kids hiking adventure at Mitică’s Sheepfold
A hike dedicated to the “Little Mountaineers”: Moașa Waterfalls – Mountain Rescuers’ Monument
Hiking for Kids on the Plains of Jina at the Start of Autumn
Hike in the Făgăraș Mountains: Lespezi Peak and Cornu Călțunului
-POSTPONED-Overnight hike in the Făgăraș Mountains: Sunrise at Negoiu Peak
Mountain education and hiking techniques: Zmeilor Bridges
Hike in Biertan for the European Heritage Days
Sunset and Sunrise at the Equinox on the Highest Peaks of the Transylvanian Alps
Warm Autumn Hike in the Făgăraș Mountains
Mountain education hike: Călțun Lake
Family Hike to Observe the Autumn Migration of Water Birds
Hike & Brunch. Hiking in the Best Tourism Villages and Pastrami Festival
Mountain Education and Mushroom Foraging in the Cindrel Mountains
Family Hike from Curciu to Băgaciu
Family Hike to Hosman, with a Hencleș Tasting at the End
A Hike for Little Mountaineers in the Făgăraș Mountains: Bărcaciu Cabin and Scărișoara Ridge
Mountain education hike: Laița Peak
Hike in the Făgăraș Mountains: Dara Peak and Hârtopul Darei Peak
Sunrise on Vânătoarea lui Buteanu Peak and Stan Valley
Family Hike through the Forest between Gușterița and Hamba
Family fall hike in a pastoral area
Journey through the golden mantle of autumn to Ghihan and Derjani Peaks
Hike in the Lotru Mountains: Negovanu Mare Peak
Autumn storytelling hike for women through the Făgăraș Mountains
Hiking dedicated to the HISTORY OF HIKING INFRASTRUCTURE: Famous trails and cabins in the Făgăraș Mountains
Family hike to Nea Ion’s Cabin
Hiking trip dedicated to young mountaineers in the Făgăraș Mountains: Sâmbăta Valley and Father Arsenie Boca’s Hermitage
Hiking trip for children in the Cindrel Mountains
Autumn colors in the Lotru Mountains: Hiking in Boița
Hiking in the Lotru Mountains: Prejba Peak
Hiking on Hârtibaciului Valley with Sunset and Guitar at Zorabia
Family Bike Tour in Gușterița Forest
Hiking in Făgăraș Mountains: Șerbota Peak – Măzgavuri
Family hike: Rășinari – MGS Hut – Valea Caselor – Rășinari
Hike for Little Mountaineers in the Cindrel Mountains: Foltea Monastery, Poiana Soarelui, and Furcilor Hill
Hiking on the Via Transilvanica: Mediaș – Bazna, with a Stop at a Local’s Pantry
Hiking to Măgura Peak and the Mountain Cottage with Local Beer Tasting
Hiking with Survival Skills in the Forests of Hârtibaciu
Hiking on the Via Transilvanica from Stejărenii to Mălâncrav
Let’s Head Out to the Snow: A Family Hike in the Frumoasa Protected Area
Family Hiking Trip to Observe Wintering Water Birds at the Mândra Lakes
Hiking in the Cindrel Mountains: Păltiniș – Rășinari
Hike and Soup at the Mountain Cabin
St. Nicholas Gift-Seeking Hike in Catrina Forest
Hike from Nemșa to Biertan
Santa’s Bag of Nature’s Gifts: Hike to the Pastoral Huts of Poiana Godea
Hiking with Gratitude Through the Cindrel Mountains: Thank You, 2024
Hiking in the Făgăraș Mountains dedicated to young mountaineers: Bâlea Valley, Bâlea Waterfall, and Piatra Răsunătoare
Winter Hike on the Rășinari Hills
Hike in the Cindrel Mountains: Păltiniș – Rășinari
Caroling, Tree Decorating, and Winter Fun in Gura Râului
Goodbye, 2024! Hiking and Mulled Wine on the Ighiș Hills
Mini-New Year’s Celebration at Izvorul Căprioarei with a Hike on Valea Avrigului
Family Hiking to Start the Year in Catrina Forest
Circuit: Turnu Roșu Monastery – Poiana Pleașa
On the Varjoghii Ridge: Through the Land of Shepherds’ Huts Under Winter’s White Blanket and Stories by the Fire
Family Hiking in the Hârtibaciu Plateau Protected Area
Snowshoeing in Poiana Găujoara
Circuit: Cisnădie – Măgura Peak
A Fairytale Hike Around the Village of Vale
Hike for Observing Waterbirds on the Olt River Lakes
Full Moon Night Hike to Vf. Oncești
Discover the Land of the Ancient Oak and the Paradise of Horses
Winter Hiking on Valea Sâmbetei
Hiking on the Hills of Mediaș: Binder Plateau – Cherhana
Family Hike: Fântânele and Sibiel
Hiking on Pastoral Trails in the Surroundings of Rășinari
Hiking at Suru: One-Day Marriages and Dragobete Dance Contest
On Via Transilvanica, from Mediaș to Bazna