
Nothing is more fulfilling than conscious eating. Choose your own food and enjoy its taste to the full. Oh, how natural it can be!
How often have you gone on a hike for the mere purpose of picking nettles, blackberries, ramson, or elderberry? Do you remember the nice time you had then, filled with laughter, a picnic, and stories ending in a recipe for dinner or for syrup? Well, in that case, you participated in a foraging action, namely one aiming to search for food to the purpose of picking wild food, free of charge, from nature. Although it has acquired much greater popularity over the past years, this manner of procuring food was a way of life for our distant ancestors and, in fact, a necessity. Hikes that include foraging are distinguished particularly by the type of slow experiences that compel the participants to take a break, to admire and to study the environment and, implicitly, to breathe consciously.