Claudia Popelca
0758 357 245Step by Step Travel
In addition to my certification as a national tour guide, I want to offer unique experiences to the tourists entering our country. Romania has an invaluable heritage both in the natural-geographical environment, and in the historical one. All these deserve to be presented and made known at local, national, and international level.
- Cultural pedestrian tours
- Architectural tours
- Food experiences (local cuisine)
- Hiking in nature
The areas we operate in are:
- My home city, Sibiu, and its surroundings, where we probe into traditional village life
- Hikes on the trails of the Southern Carpathians, to enjoy unparalleled views
- Introduction to skiing at Arena Platoș, in Păltiniș, the first ski resort opened in Romania
- Historical places that have become significant tourism sites in Romania.