Kite flying initiation


How do I get there
The history tells us that kites are originally from Asia. The oldest representation of a kite can be found in a cave painting from the Mesolithic period from the island of Muna, located in South-Eastern Sulawesi, in Indonesia, dating from the years 9,500-9,000 Before the Common Era. Originally, kites were made of kolop leaves, forest tubers, used for the mainsail, bamboo skin for the frame and twisted pineapple fibres for the rope.
Currently a multitude of kites of all sorts have been developed: Eddy’s tailless diamond, the tetrahedral kite, the Rogallo wing, the sled kite, the parafoil, and power kites. Also, kites are currently used for scientific purposes, particularly in meteorology, aeronautics, wireless communications, and photography.
Then, why not try an introductory session to kite flying? Where else but in Tocile, with Cosmin Albu’s help?
Access: by car, on foot, by bike, mountain-bike.
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