20 July 2024

Hike of elemental connection at sunset: Păltiniș-Găujoara

Ani Drumetiei icon


Păltiniș - Păltiniș
Ani Drumetiei icon



Dear nature lovers,

We meet again in the heart of nature, this time for a hike that surprises us at sunset, in the mountains. We propose a leisurely trail from Păltiniș to Poiana Găujoara. Along the trail, through the pine and fir forest and in the meadow, we will make several stops for forest bathing, grounding practices, and yoga to relax our spine and joints, allowing thoughts to flow freely like the river during meditations, and to release stress and worries.

At sunset, we will enjoy a small tasting, stories, and a meditation session around the fire. Thus, in our awareness hike, we will engage all senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste, and the four elements (earth, water, air, fire).


easy – with a gentle uphill section to Găujoara, approximately 300-400 m elevation gain
Distance: approx. 10 km
Participants: The trail is easy, as are the practices (focusing on posture), and no prior preparation is needed.
Adults only: 16+


Wear comfortable hiking clothes, trekking boots, trekking poles (optional), 1L water bottle, snacks (bars, fruits), cap/sun hat, waterproof rain jacket.
– For yoga practices, you can use a blanket or a mat. If possible, we can provide some yoga mats.
– This hike is dedicated to adults and young people aged 16 and over.


130 lei/person (guide services, yoga trainer)


Adela Dadu & Andreea Cenușe – 0743 377 969


– The route configuration and length will be adjusted according to weather conditions and the homogeneity/heterogeneity of the group.
– The organizer (guide) reserves the right to refuse participants who are not appropriately equipped or who have inadequate physical condition.
– Tours are conducted under safe conditions and with a minimum number of participants. The organizer reserves the right to reschedule or cancel tours without prior notice if these conditions are not met.
– Ticket refunds are only provided in case the organizer (guide) cancels the hike.

By participating in this event, I consent to being photographed. I acknowledge that the photos may be used for promotional purposes, both online and in printed materials, within the “Anii Drumeției” Program to promote it. I declare under my own responsibility that, to the best of my knowledge, I am physically capable of sustained physical effort during hiking events without jeopardizing my health in any way. My participation in this event is entirely voluntary, understanding the associated risks to which I expose myself.
The “Anii Drumeției” Program is initiated and funded by the Sibiu County Council in collaboration with the Sibiu County Tourism Association. Its main purpose is to improve hiking infrastructure in the county and promote activities specific to ecotourism.

The date of the hike

20 July 2024

Starting point


Departure time


Duration of the hike

7 - 8 ore



Cost / person

130 lei