How do I get there
Circuit to Bâlea Lake
Marking: blue triangle and blue circle on a white background
Full route name: Bâlea Lake - Șaua Caprei - Vânătoarea lui Buteanu Peak - Căldarea Văiuga - Bâlea Lake
An intense hike, with delightful views, dedicated to all those who feel the need for a challenge.
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Find the locationDuring the summer, you can reach Bâlea Lake by taking the Transfăgărășan road and, in other times of the year, you can take the cable car, from the Bâlea Waterfall (Bâlea Cascadă) chalet, in the proximity of Bâlea waterfall.Bâlea Waterfall (Bâlea Cascadă) is accessible all year long by taking your personal car or by Bâlea Bus. The bus schedule can be found on Of course, our advice is to use the transport method having the lowest impact upon the environment, which, in this case, is the bus.
At Bâlea Waterfall (Bâlea Cascadă) you will find a map with all the information needed for the route. Follow the markings and the signage on the route and it will be very easy to find your way. Enjoy your hike!